Lambermontmartre @ the museum. The LAMBERMONTMARTRE PAINTERSSQUARE is an open air public exhibition. LAMBERMONTMARTRE is one of the largest open-air painting markets in Europe. The colorful artfair brings a delightful bohemian atmosphere in front of the Museum of Fine Art on the Leopold De Waelplaats in Antwerp South. At the fountain of Cristina Iglesias and among the sculptures of Rodin. Hundreds of artists make this event worh a visit!
We welcome you on SUNDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2023 between 12.00 - 15.00 !

Dimensions : 90cm / 120cm (on canvas)

Preparing the exibition in ' Bar à Manger '
Starting : from 7 august 2023 and following......
Locatie : Restaurant : Bar à Manger - Leopold de Waelstraat 7 te 2000 Antwerpen
(the following works of art from Zara Ibrahimi's oeuvre can be viewed here)
All works are for sale and feature a QR code with all information about the work, materials, price, contact information (cell phone, email, whatsapp,... ) of artist Zara Ibrahimi.

Zara Ibrahimi with restaurant owner, John Liefferinkx, of Bar à Manger.

Title : One direction ( this painting is TEMPORARELY LOANED FOR EXHIBITION ABROAD )
Dimensions : 75cm / 115cm (on canvas)
Review : from Dj KUZURI
I quickly liked the contrast Blue-White
The painting made me delve into the Lost of my Soul.
Not knowing what the results will be of my next choices I would make.
Lost in the Ignorant
It gives a feeling of ...
Knowing that there is always a Hope for Improvement
Ignorant ... When ?

Title : Aliens : ( this painting is TEMPORARELY LOANED FOR EXHIBITION ABROAD )
Dimensions : 90cm/120cm (on canvas)
Review : 'It was simple at first sight, the longer you looked it became more intense' -

Title : African Women ( this painting is TEMPORARELY LOANED FOR EXHIBITION ABROAD )
Dimensions : 75cm / 115cm (on canvas)
Review : 'Original 4-part artwork by this up-coming artiste Zara Ibrahimi'

I was so honored that I restorate a sculpture of my former mentor Albert Szukalski the owner is a art collector
Zara is now on Pinterest !

Carrousel Indoor Kunst-& Wintermarkt 2 dec. - 18 dec. 2022

Carrousel Indoor Kunst-& Wintermarkt 2 dec. - 18 dec. 2022
de Vrièrestraat 36,2000 Antwerpen
"Gezellige overdekte wintermarkt met animatie, foyer en kunsttentoonstelling in de prachtige galerijen van Carrousel Indoor"